Sketching Feedback Gallery

Peer-to-peer advice

Urban sketch course Ian fennelly england artist hoylake sketchbook feedback gallery review

The Urban Sketch Course gallery is a wonderful hub of daily motivation, inspiration and most importantly of all – feedback.

We’ve got 5 brilliant tips on how to make the most of the gallery, improve the look of your images and get that all-important feedback to improve your urban sketching skills.


Show Your Best

Be decisive and make the most of your uploads by choosing your favourite sketches and not a series of repeats. You’re more likely to receive a higher amount of engagement with one really good sketch than with a handful of average ones.

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It’s proven that the more you engage and the more comments you leave for other students, then the more you’ll receive in return. It’s a little bit of give and take, share the love.


Seek Feedback

You’ve got space when you upload to ask for advice on the sketch, if there is something specific you’re working on. Use the description field when uploading to ask what students think about your colours, perspective, line work or composition, for example.

This really helps others formulate their feedback – you’re giving them something to focus on and respond to, as opposed to starting from a blank page.

Urban sketch sketching on location what to take


Capture the scene

Before uploading your sketch to the gallery, make sure that you’ve captured the image clearly and in full. Try to photograph your sketch in good, clear lighting so the colours are accurate and the line work is visible. This will help ensure the feedback you receive is accurate and not based on poor lighting.
Urban Sketching Kit Tools tool paint brush gallery feedback
influence technique cross hatch painting drawing sketching line drawing pen pencil art paper feedback


Tell A Story

Similar to Instagram, there are text fields to go alongside your upload in the gallery for a reason – tell us about your sketch in the description. If you’re not looking for help or advice then let us know how you created your image, what inspired you or even which course you’re following along with.
Please note that the feedback gallery is a peer-to-peer environment where we encourage all of our students to offer positive advice and constructive criticism to each other. It is there to help you develop as an artist with help from the Urban Sketch Course community. We look forward to seeing your sketches there soon!

Our Courses

Whether you’re brand new to urban sketching or a confident artist, our engaging, video-based online courses teach you step-by-step how to go from blank page, to capturing the bustle and beauty of the world around you, in the unique and fashionable style that is urban sketching.